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Praktische informatie over:  World FIRA 

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Once you're getting to know about agricultural robotics, you will hear people speaking about "FIRA". FIRA is an event specialized on the niche of agriculture robotics. The event takes place in France (in February) and in California (in October). FIRA is the fira is the abbreviation of the French words "Le Forum International de la Robotique Agricole", simply translated it will be "International Forum of Agricultural Robotics"



The FIRA event goes far beyond a traditional trade show: At FIRA there is room for dialogue, for interaction, to meet people and, off course also, to ignite trade. 



FIRA is the event. The organization of the FIRA is done by the comittee of GOFAR. GOFAR is the abbreviation of "Global Organization For Agricultural Robotics". 

World FIRA event

Since 2016, the World FIRA event is held in Toulouse-area. It is giving room to demonstrate robots and interact in person with players around the world.


Er is een groot programma opgezet met workshops, demo's en de mogelijkheid om persoonlijk of online af te spreken. 


There is a large program set-up with workshops, demo's and the possibility to meet in person or online. 

ducksize & FIRA

ducksize is humble and proud to be partner of FIRA. Already since ducksize has been founded in 2020, the connection started. It's thanks to the great people behind FIRA, that acceleration on agriculture robotics can take place. It's entirely with the vision of ducksize to carry-out collaborative exposure to agriculture robotics with FIRA.  

Nine banners of ducksize in a row allong the street, at the World FIRA event in Toulouse.
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